NAU Country News

Take your summer back with Preliminary Acreage Reporting!

Prelim_AcreageNAU Country offers Preliminary Acreage Reporting! This functionality allows you to process your preliminary acres early in the crop year, freeing up your time to relax this summer.

Imagine this scenario. You are attuned to your insureds consistent rotation of crops from year to year. So why not get a jump start on processing their acreage reports NOW? By utilizing our EASYmapping® Import Prior Year Acreage functionality and Preliminary Acreage Reporting, you can quickly process and complete all your preliminary acreage reports in March, April, or even February! Here’s how:

  • Utilize our EASYmapping Import Prior Year Acreage functionality to emulate a previous acreage reporting year.
  • Select the "Acres not yet certified" checkbox to keep the acres in a preliminary status.
  • Commit!
  • Prior to the Acreage Reporting deadline, print the preliminary acreage reports for the insured to verify the acreage, write in the applicable plant dates, and sign.
  • Key in the plant dates and remove the “Acres not yet certified” checkmark in EASYmapping Acreage, commit the policy, and your process is complete!
  • Enjoy your summer!

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