NAU Country News

Production Reporting has gone mobile

For years, NAU Country's mobile application has served our "agents on-the-go" with features like quoting, application submission, claim tracking, and even acreage reporting. Well now you can add production reporting to that list!

The NAU Country mobile application will give you the ability to report production, capture a signature, and submit the Actual Production History (APH) directly to EASYwriter Pro® all from the palm of your hand.

How does it work
To begin, you will log in to the NAU Country mobile app with your normal username/password or fingerprint. Select the applicable policyholder and navigate to the "Actions" tab. Select the "Production Reporting" option and follow these simple step-by-step procedures:

  1. Select a fieldProduction Reporting
  2. Click the applicable unit
  3. Enter the production data

Simply repeat this process until all the production has been reported on. Once all the applicable production has been keyed, simply click the "Complete" button, then capture the policyholder's signature along with your own, and finally, click "Submit".

Resources and Training
With any new feature released by NAU Country that can potentially change your operating procedure, we always want to make sure you are as prepared as possible beforehand. We held training webinars earlier in March 2019. If you need further assistance or training , please contact us today!  

Learn about mobile policy management for Policyholders with NAU Country!

Learn about our processing efficiencies for our Agents! 

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