Field Insights® can help assist your farmers this fall with Frost Alerts and the Harvest Advisor

NAU Country's flagship farmer tool, Field Insights®, is here to support your farmers during harvest season and beyond! Now is a great time to let them know about Field Insights' location-specific environmental intelligence to help plan for preventative actions when frost is in the forecast. Frost alerting capabilities within Field Insights is part of NAU Country's focus on sustainable farming.
How Frost Alerts work:
Our Frost Alerts are available to your farmers and can be set up and managed on a policy level for their fields. When frost conditions are met, an alert will be sent via email to farmers that have opted in to receive the alerts. They can review the alerts on their policy within the Field Insights application on their computer or with NAU Country's mobile app. The advantage of receiving Frost Alerts can be highly beneficial for perennials but can also be used for row crops as well. There's no better time than now to let them know about this great feature to help them determine schedules around planting and harvesting!
Since Frost Alerts within Field Insights will only work for policies that have mapped fields. If your farmers don't have that set up yet, now is a great time to help them map their fields so that they can take advantage of this amazing feature! Now, would be a great time to work with your farmer on these features if you haven’t already. Learn about Field Insights here!
All about the Harvest Advisor
Our Field Insights’ Crop Growth & Harvest feature Harvest Advisor recently received an update to its look and feel. The Harvest Advisor (aka "In Field Dry Down") looks at a crop’s optimum harvest moisture, along with the user’s target moisture, to project the ideal time to harvest. This feature is accessible to Farmers and Agents and can be found within Field Insights on the NAU Country mobile app or on a computer.
A Print feature is available so that farmers may print off their Harvest Advisor forecast. A target moisture confirmation will display prominently at the top of the chart as well as a red dot on the date when the target moisture is achieved on the graph.
This model can assist a farmer or custom harvester in determining the best time to harvest a crop given a specific moisture percentage target. The harvest window can be used to schedule equipment across the fields and to find the time in which the crop would have the lowest moisture content, resulting in the lowest cost to dry down for long-term storage. This component's accuracy is improved by consuming grain moisture tests.
Welcome fall and harvest season by showing your farmers these useful tools from NAU Country. Learn more by chatting with your NAU Country Marketing Representative and check out Field Insights on your computer or mobile device today!
Additional Resources
- Learn about Field Insights here!
- NAU Country Connection Webinar: Field level data at your fingertips with Field Insights!
- Farmer Resources Quick Videos!
How to create a farmer account - Quick Video
How to report acres in Field Insights - Quick Video - Help your farmer create a Farmer Account today!
- Read our full Press Release on our partnership with Iteris/ClearAg here!
- Field Insights Harvest Advisor Agent Tips and Tricks
- Field Insights Frost Alerts Agent Tips and Tricks
- Field Insights Training Suite Agent Tips and Tricks
- NAU Country Mobile app Training Suite Agent Tips and Tricks